Travel Time Reports, Bad For Us?

A question has been raised by a repeat guest to this BLOG: Do you think the reporting of travel times will cause more commuters to come back to Ortega, since the commute was so great last night and this morning?

It is a valid question and I have thought about this a great deal today. I really enjoy having a smooth commute, as I’m sure you all do. I believe that regardless of what I report in this BLOG that the traffic will self adjust as fellow Ortega commuters figure out what works best for them. I only hope to help this process along for those who visit this site and to keep people informed.

Some of us are fortunate enough to have understanding employers who are considering allowing some telecommuting to happen. This could very well be something great to happen from this construction project. I encourage employers to allow this on a trial basis and I encourage employees to show your employers how much this can benefit the companies. Do great work from home! Be more productive! Remember, you saved 2-3 hours out of every day you didn’t have to jump in the car/truck or on the bike and drive. You saved money on fuel. You didn’t get frustrated with other drivers. Have a great attitude, not only while working from home, but on the days you still have to be at your job site.

Doing these things will not only help your employer, they will also help you as any improvement in attitude is a great thing! The word will spread and perhaps we all can finally do some part time Telecommuting.

Regards to all,


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